Sunday, February 19, 2012

Great Backyard Bird Count 2012

I'm really excited about this event. Are you? What is it? Well, it's pretty self-explanatory. The Great Backyard Bird Count is a 4-day event in which everyone is encouraged to tally up the species of birds they see in their backyard -- or anywhere! The event goes on this year from February 17 - February 20.

Although I'm not really a bird watcher like some, I do enjoy looking at the different species and take notice when I see a new one or one I haven't seen in a while. The Great Backyard Bird Count relies on bird watchers of all ages and skill levels to help determine some pretty important aspects of bird life and the ecosystem.

This is a great family event and wonderful way to get your kids involved in nature, even during the colder months like now!

Here are some things the Great Backyard Bird Count helps determine:

  • Did this winter's snow and temperatures affect any populations?
  • Were there any irruptive species this year (irruptive species are those which appear in large numbers some years, but not others)?
  • Do the migrations of this year compare with years past?
  • Are bird diseases affecting various species in different regions?
  • What's the diversity differences in rural, urban, suburban and natural areas?
  • Are any species in decline?
Pretty cool when you think about it. Science is relying on regular, every-day citizens to help keep track of really important data. 

How Can You Participate?

Participation is easy. Simply set up shop in your yard, or from the comfort of a warm house in front of the window and tally the different species you have in your yard. You should plan for at least 15 minutes of bird watching per day. Once you're done with your bird count, enter your results on the GBBC Submission page here. 

Need Some Resources?

The GBBC site gives you regional bird checklists and tally pages you can print out for easy viewing -- especially if you don't have a field guide or other handy resource. 

Local parks and natural areas across the nation are getting in on the fun, too! See if one of your favorite parks is having an event dedicated to the GBBC! The GBBC website also has a "Local Events Page" here.